Sunday, February 21, 2010

the best photo uploader for FACEBOOK

ive just stumbled upon BLOOM and was impressed by its intuitive and user friendly approach to uploading pictures and even videos on facebook. All it takes is a few minutes of download, installing and in no time you can browse and even download friends photos, albums, upload up to 200 photos or an album and still be able to harvest at the same time.Give it a try folks. By the way did I mention it's FREE.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

happy heart's month

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wedding photography blogs

another great wedding blog collection by ilovephotographyblog, CLICK HERE

new sony waterproof camera

sony announces first water proof camera, see it here...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

DIY Pop-up Flash Diffuser for the DSLR

DIY Pop-up Flash Diffuser for the DSLR, credits to fotolistic t

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

batman and robin, combat ops

a day in internet life

surreal!!! click here

Man's best friend

Sperm Facts

Secret to giving Women MULTIPLE ORGASMS

check it out HERE.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tweet I got from the real shaq..

if you read '' Was it a Cat I saw" backwards

yeah thats right, use your brain people...


a man fell on frozen water apparently while taking pictures of a sunset!!!

A man fell in frozen ice water while trying to take a picture of a beautiful sunset.Luckily a woman was watching the same sunset also but via webcam and was able to alert authorities in the nick of time, see the whole report here. Guys I encourage everyone to please be very careful, while being a photographer is cool, pun intended, try no to freeze yourself while capturing the moment.LOLZ

Bangon Pilipinas(Get up Philippines)

This picture was taken in Manila, as a result of typhoon Ondoy, which happened a couple of months ago in what used to be the "pearl of Asia", my birth and home country, Philippines, this picture was taken from by Magic Liwanag Photography.

For me as a Filipino, what we had circa 1920-30's can never be replaced, I think this is absolutely being pessimistic, you can't blame me though, ask this question to any OFW , 9 out of 10 they'll agree with me.But like they say, there is always two side to a coin......or is there?

May elections are coming very very soon, the media and all the alternatives are obviously filled with candidates "tweeting" their platforms and what not, Filipinos like you and me tend to pick whoever name has the sweetest promise, and history repeats itself...

Survey says roughly 75% are poverty-stricken in the Philippines, our population is out of control, this, I believe is one of the major contributor of our state as of today, and is also true to our fellow Asian countries such as India and China. But what separates them from us is this, they're moving forward. Amazingly in this Economic Crisis that we are on according to this report. India and China are clearly creeping out of poverty, regardless of their population count. Kudos to them.

Discipline is what Filipinos need, to say the least, its funny seeing Filipinos overseas and in their home country, they will obey every law elsewhere but their home country.Singapore as some of you may know is very strict in implementing all kinds of laws which are so easy to break as a Filipino, here are some of them, Singapore do's and dont's. what happens if one denies the law is really depressing, specially to their pocket. That is why Singapore is deemed as a "Fine City". Pun intended.

Moving on the lighter side , ARA MINA ON POLITICS, check this out click here.The question is, Who are You Voting?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The secret to Black Eyed Peas Success

cool awesome beats, costumes and videos, but sometimes the dumbest lyrics ever...

Monday, February 1, 2010

6 more days!!!

good morning world!!, yes 6 more days to go I'm leaving singapore and work!!!

for a 12 day vacation in Manila!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see my lovely wife (photo above), my family, loved ones, eat all the food I can get my hands on, SMB, Dinuguan.Take pictures...

I wish we have this in Manila

watch this , I bet if we have this in Manila, obesity, diabetes and even heart attack will be cut down in half.
